This week the Israeli Government passed a law requiring that all models must have a BMI (Body Mass Index) of at least 18.5 and be able to show medical proof of their weight. The law also requires advertisements to print disclaimers if the models have been photoshopped in the ad. Under this law, it’s been estimated that about half of all professional Israeli models will have to gain weight in order to continue working.
Israelis are hoping to promote healthier body image by banning underweight models from industry.
Supporters of this new law stress that it was created to promote a healthier body image as 2% of Israeli teenage girls suffer from eating disorders. Yet others feel that the law places the importance on weight rather than health. After all, some girls are naturally skinny and can’t gain the weight, but that doesn’t mean they’re unhealthy. In an interview with BBC News, top model Adi Neumman said she wouldn’t qualify for jobs as she has a BMI of 18.3, yet she eats well and exercises.
By Emilie Radigan